Offres d’emploi : banque assurance mutuelle
Toutes les offres d'emploi
Stagiaire chargé - chargée de mission reporting finance responsable F/H
Missions et activités principales La direction des finances : Au sein de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, la Direction des finances du Groupe est garante de la solidité financière et des grands équilibres bilantiels du Groupe CDC ainsi que de son pilotage financier et économique. Elle est également responsable des études économiques et financières et de la politique durable du Groupe. La Dir ...Afficher plus
JOB.TIT LE What will be your role? Le Groupe AFD, dont Proparco fait partie, a pris il y a 4 ans un engagement « 100% Accord de Paris ». L'un des objectifs principaux de cet accord est de « rendre les flux financiers compatibles avec un profil d'évolution vers un développement à faible émission de gaz à effet de serre et résilient aux changements climatiques » (art 2.1 c). Proparco finance des pro ...Afficher plus
Stage - Gestion de Patrimoine H/F Paris IDF
Avec plus de 800M€ d’actifs conseillés en 7 ans, vous intégrez le groupe qui connait la plus forte dynamique du marché. Notre cabinet conseille et accompagne sa clientèle en toute objectivité sur l’ensemble des thématiques financières, immobilières, juridiques et fiscales. Notre forte croissance est le résultat de notre approche globale de la profession qui nous différencie des autres acteurs. En ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - Consultant Fonctionnel et Client H/F
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - DEV JAVA - BOR visualizer - application web
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - Validation des T-Locks et Forward Bonds
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - DEV JAVA/C++ - Monitoring fonctionnel d'une application distribuée
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - Consultant Trading - Sales and Clients H/F
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - FX Options - Validation de modèle sur un produit dérivé FX
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
Stage - Analyste Front Office H/F
Stage - Analyste Front Office H/F - 6 mois Concrètement votre quotidien ? L'analyste Front-Officer assistera les équipes de Front Officers basés à Paris dans leurs tâches quotidiennes dans le suivi des transactions existantes et dans la mise en place de nouveaux mandats. L'analyste Front-Officer sera notamment impliqué dans les missions suivantes : Revue et actualisation des modèles financiers des ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - DEV JAVA - Workflows testability framework
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - Consultant Fonctionnel Front Office Trading / Investment Management H/F / Private Equity
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - Consultant Fonctionnel Front Office Trading / Investment Management H/F / Compliance
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus
Stagiaire Data Analyst F/H
Missions et activités principales La Direction des Finances et de la politique durable du Groupe CDC (DFIN) assure le pilotage financier du Groupe dans l'ensemble de ses composantes comptables, financières, prudentielles, économiques et extra-financières. Elle est garante de la solidité financière et des grands équilibres bilantiels du Groupe CDC ainsi que de son pilotage financier et économique. ...Afficher plus
END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP / Stage - Study Market data access control solution for linear rates clients
Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets. Operating from our 19 offices, 3 000 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world. Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at ...Afficher plus